True Chocolate Truffles

True Chocolate Truffles

These guiltless cocoa protein truffles are a divine afternoon snack or an elegant addition to afternoon coffee. Discover our amazing True Chocolate Truffles recipe featuring Protelicious True Chocolate.

No. of servings per recipe: 5
Serving size:
2 truffles

2 scoops Protelicious Whey Protein True Chocolate
Handful of pecan nuts
Handful of almonds
1 tbsp Chia seeds
5-7 Medjool dates
3 tbsp Peanut butter
5-6 tbsp Coconut oil
Shredded coconut to coat

1. Add pecans, almonds and pitted dates in a mixer
2. Add the rest of the ingredients
3. Form little balls and roll in shredded coconut