Our Experts

  • Dr. Jean-François Lesgards

    Doctor Jean-François is a French researcher in Biochemistry and expert in nutrition, health, and inflammatory diseases oxidative stress and impacted aging process. Dr Lesgards has more than 25 years of clinical and fundamental research, in Europe, Canada and the USA.

  • Dr. Valerie Leduc

    Pioneer of an integrative approach of medical beauty, Dr Leduc is the medical mastermind behind Maison Epigenetic. She leverages her scientific and medical expertise to extend her health span. From her extensive clinical experience, she articulated methods and protocols to put health prevention first. Dr Leduc authored «Médecine de la beauté» and is a seek-after speaker on epigenetics and better-aging strategy.

  • Abbie Gellman

    Chef Abbie Gellman, MS, RD, CDN, is a chef and Registered Dietitian. Gellman also holds a master’s degree in nutrition from Columbia University. She combines her formal nutrition and culinary education to teach other nutrition professionals about food through webinars, workshops, and speaking engagements.

Our Whey: The Magic Ingredient In Our Products

Our pure, mild and creamy Whey Protein Concentrate comes from 100% New Zealand grass-fed cows & is cold filter processed. Because of how our whey is processed, it retains all the powerful immune and health building benefits of heat sensitive amino acids.

Supports Bones and Lean Muscle Mass

Proteins are key components of muscle and bone. They maintain muscle tissue and are required for muscle growth and repair, especially after exercise. Moreover, protein actually makes up roughly 50% of our bone volume and around one-third of our bone mass (Wallace, 2019). As such, sufficient amino acid intake is necessary to maintain the strength of bone and muscle if we are to be able to carry out daily activities with ease and comfort. It's especially important for seniors to prevent and reverse sarcopenia. Whey protein supports muscle growth and repair whilst preventing muscle breakdown due to the rich concentration of amino acids, especially branched-chain amino acids (BCAAS) among which leucine is the key trigger of muscle synthesis (Hulmi, Lockwood and Stout, 2010) (Fujita and Volpi, 2011).

Our bones are continuously being metabolised through the cycle of bone formation and resorption, the equilibrium of which ensures that bone is not over-synthesised or over-mineralised. As amino acids are key components of bone, an adequate supply is required to support this equilibrium and prevent it from swaying either way. Studies have shown that the intake of amino acids, specifically essential amino acids, is associated with a higher bone mineral density, especially in association with calcium (Jennings A. et al., 2016) (Heaney RP, Layman DK, 2008).
Whey protein quality is a function of protein digestibility, amino acid content, and the resulting amino acid availability to support metabolic function. Whey protein is one of the highest quality proteins given its amino acid content (high in essential amino acids EAAs, BCAAs, and leucine amino acid content) and rapid digestibility (Devries MC and Phillips SM, 2015). Consumption of whey protein has a robust ability to stimulate muscle protein synthesis (Devries MC and Phillips SM, 2015). In fact, whey protein has been found to stimulate muscle protein synthesis to a greater degree than other proteins such as casein and soy.

However, not all whey protein is created equal. Many commercial whey proteins available use industrialised production processes, which involve heating products at high temperatures for a particular time as well as strong acids and bases. Processes, as such, are known to denature proteins, thereby diminishing their function and ability to fulfil their purpose. Protelicious, however, uses a cold filtration process which ensures all amino acids remain intact and bioavailable upon reaching the consumer - ensuring bone and muscle strength.

Dr Jean-Francois Lesgards, PhD. Researcher and scientific adviser in Biochemistry and Health, Inflammatory diseases and associated nutritional and environmental factors.

For more information and/or a complete reference list, please contact us at hello@protelicious.com

Supports Insulin function, regulation of glucose and reduces sugar cravings

We've known for decades that the damage made by sugar on our health has been vastly underestimated compared with “bad fats” whose harmful effects, like cholesterol or saturated fat, have been excessively pointed out.

Whey contains lactose (a dairy carbohydrate) which has a naturally low glycemic index (45) compared to glucose (100). This means that lactose, as a carbohydrate (sugar), does not increase blood sugar levels as much as glucose (or bread and other sugar-added food). The consumption of whey actually induces (alone or in combination with a meal) insulin secretion, which will decrease blood circulating glucose, which is harmful in diabetes (Frid AH et al., 2005).

The function of the gastrointestinal tract plays a pivotal role in glucose homeostasis, particularly during the postprandial period (Mignone LE et al., 2015). Whey protein slows gastric emptying and stimulates the release of gut peptides, including incretins (metabolic hormones that stimulate a decrease in blood glucose levels). Also, appetite is suppressed with the consumption of whey due to its effects on the gut-brain axis and the hypothalamus. Other studies demonstrate that dairy whey proteins have a better effect on appetite control than other protein sources such as eggs, casein, or soy (Hall W et al., 2003) (Aderson G et al., 2004) (Uhe A et al., 1992) (Tahavorgar Aet al., 2014).

A review of the literature indicates that L-cysteine-rich whey protein improves glucose metabolism in diabetic animals and type-2 diabetic patients and Protelicious whey is particularly rich in sulfur-containing amino acids like cysteine and methionine (which can produce cysteine in the body) due to the cold filtration process. Similarly, in animal studies, improvement in glucose metabolism is observed after supplementation with cysteine or molecules containing a cysteine moiety (Jain SK, 2012). L-Cysteine is an essential precursor of Glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis. GSH is a major physiological antioxidant, and its depletion increases oxidative stress. Diabetes is associated with lower blood levels of cysteine and GSH. Animal and human studies report that cysteine supplementation improves GSH biosynthesis and is beneficial in lowering oxidative stress and insulin resistance (Kanikarla-Marie P et al., 2019). Protelicious is an excellent and natural way to increase cysteine and methionine consumption in the diet. All these properties of whey not only indicate that it is safe for diabetics but, on the contrary, suggests its potential in the management of type 2 diabetes.

Studies have consistently shown that diets low in protein trigger sugar cravings. Foods high in protein and fats promote a slow release of sugar into the bloodstream, keeping you feeling fuller for longer. So adding protein to your diet is the best way to minimise your sugar cravings significantly.

Dr Jean-Francois Lesgards, PhD. Researcher and scientific adviser in Biochemistry and Health, Inflammatory diseases and associated nutritional and environmental factors.

For more information and/or a complete reference list, please contact us at hello@protelicious.com

Improves Immune System

Protelicious whey protein concentrate is cold filtration processed; therefore, our whey retains all of the vital essential amino acids which are often damaged due to the application of heat (either via standard processing methods or cooking). The majority of these amino acids are highly beneficial for our immune system.

A primary function of amino acids is to reinforce and support our white blood cells (lymphocytes), which are our body's first line of defence against pathogens (Lodoen, M. and Lanier, L., 2006). Our lymphocytes require specific amino acids in order to function optimally; sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine, methionine), glutamine and leucine – Protelicious has them all in abundance! Sulfur-containing amino acids work to synthesize glutathione (GSH), which will optimise the activity of our white blood cells to identify and destroy harmful bacteria when they infiltrate and infect our body (Dröge and Breitkreutz, 2000).

Secondly, white blood cells produce immunoglobulins (antibodies) that recognise viruses and bacteria and bind to them to prevent their entry (infection) in our cells. Whey is naturally rich in immunoglobulins (10-15 % of total proteins), so even if these proteins are digested before reaching our blood and our organs, they will bring to the body a ratio of AA's to help white blood cells produce and synthesize new immunoglobulins. Studies have shown that whey protein supplementation significantly increased immunoglobulin G levels (Bumrungpert A et al., 2018).
Another powerful benefit of cold-filtration processed whey is its antioxidant/anti-inflammatory potential. During a viral infection, the body experiences increased oxidation caused by aggressive molecules which contain oxygen, called “reactive oxygen species (ROS)”: this produces a status called oxidative stress, often associated with excessive inflammation. Due to its exceptional richness in sulfur-containing amino acids leading to the synthesis of GSH (glutathione), the master antioxidant in the body, it will help to fight oxidative and inflammatory state (Bounous G and Gold P, 1991)
A fourth mechanism by which whey proteins and some amino acids, like glutamine in particular (synthesized from glutamic acid), can improve our immune system is the improvement of gut health. It does so by protecting the intestinal membrane and bringing energy to intestinal cells and bacteria balance (a mix of “good" and “bad" or pathogenic bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms) in the gut.

Dr Jean-Francois Lesgards, PhD. Researcher and scientific adviser in Biochemistry and Health, Inflammatory diseases and associated nutritional and environmental factors.

For more information and/or a complete reference list, please contact us at hello@protelicious.com

Delivers powerful antioxidant (anti-ageing and beauty), and anti-inflammatory benefits

Prolonged imbalances in our food habits, lifestyle (smoke, stress) and environmental factors (pollution) assault our cells through several biochemical reactions called oxidation. Oxidation of cells can be compared to metals rusting when exposed to oxygen. Prolonged oxidation (called oxidative stress) and associated chronic inflammation together can cause the onset of different pathologies that go from simple disorders like; a decrease in skin quality, flu & colds, to more serious inflammatory diseases like; cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and others, as well as ageing.
We all experience oxidation in our bodies; it's unavoidable; however, we can fight it – and one of the best ways to fight it is with the natural antioxidant-producing amino acids found in grass-fed, cold filtration processed whey protein.

With its exceptional richness in sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine, methionine), our grass-fed whey will boost the synthesis of glutathione (GSH), which is the master antioxidant in the body and which regulates the oxidative status in all cells. It also regenerates other essential antioxidants like vitamins E and C (brought from food) thanks to the glutathione reductase enzyme. Indeed antioxidants like vitamins, polyphenols/flavonoids present in fruit & vegetables and many supplements on the market can be beneficial in fighting against oxidation and ageing, but they are consumed or "burned” during oxidation and not regenerated.

Upgrading our antioxidant pool and especially GSH, is essential to fight against oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, which together promote the onset of inflammatory diseases; cardiovascular (atherosclerosis), cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and others, as well as ageing.

Dr Jean-Francois Lesgards, PhD. Researcher and scientific adviser in Biochemistry and Health, Inflammatory diseases and associated nutritional and environmental factors.

For more information and/or a complete reference list, please contact us at hello@protelicious.com

What Sets Our Whey Apart

  • Cold Filtration Processed & Clean

    Low temperature processing that retains all the heat sensitive amino acids that are often lost during conventional heat processing or cooking. Amino acids are what our bodies need on a daily basis to function optimally. These amino acids act as immune boosters, antioxidant precursors, support for hormone production and are anti-inflammatory.

  • Sustainability

    Whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, creating less waste and using all elements of beginning milk product. The New Zealand dairy cattle are pasture fed over 350 days a year, so the cows emit only a ⅓ of the greenhouse gases compared to industrial standard dairy farms.

  • Highest level quality control & sourcing

    Our signature whey protein concentrate is sourced exclusively from a New Zealand based, global leader in dairy production exclusively using NZ grass-fed cows. Our whey is then blended and packaged with the finest select gourmet flavouring ingredients.